As a child, I really loved stories about the biblical Daniel. I admired him and the “young Hebrew men” who were just as faithful in the fire as in the stack full of lions. I thought: how wonderful it was for them that God loved, appreciated, and honoured them so much! They floated before my eyes in the unattainable heights of holiness as longed-for role models who I would never catch up with. These pure people were envied; nevertheless, not a single bad word was recorded about them. My conclusion was always the question: who am I compared to them? It has been my belief until now. However, the Lord has wonderfully shown me how wrong I was about the truth in this regard. I suspect that there are many people walking in the same shoes. For God has always needed and still needs Daniels, especially at the end of history. He has done and will do everything to make us all just like him in the land of the Chaldeans.
Royal Children
- The time will surely come when everything in your palace, and all that your predecessors have stored up until this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the Lord. And some of your descendants, your own flesh and blood who will be born to you, will be taken away, and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. (Isaiah 39:6-7)
- In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.And the Lord delivered Jehoiakim king of Judah into his hand, along with some of the articles from the temple of God. These he carried off to the temple of his god in Babylonia[a] and put in the treasure house of his god. Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring into the king’s service some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobilityyoung men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king’s palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians. (Daniel 1:1-4)
- But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)
- So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:26-29)
Daniel was probably a lineal descendant of King Hezekiah. He became a slave as a royal offspring in the court of the sovereign of one of the most significant world empires of the time. Christians today should not be ashamed of their origins either: he who was literally immersed and resurrected in Christ became the direct descendant of the heavenly, eternal king, receiving a new birth certificate and a new citizenship. Taking away his corrupt and rebellious nature inherited from Adam, Daniel was born again as royal blood, that is, he was born from the highest possible position — both literally and figuratively. We are the children of the heavenly king on this Earth: this is the key and the starting point, having the quality and impact of our lives in mind. If we are aware of our true identity, we are Daniels! The following points explore the consequences and endless possibilities of this privileged existence.
Jesus with Us
- Then King Nebuchadnezzar leaped to his feet in amazement and asked his advisers, “Weren’t there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire?”They replied, “Certainly, Your Majesty.”He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.” (Daniel 3:24-25)
- I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. (John 14:18)
- And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20b)
- …the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)
As the only begotten Son of God is our brother, we are children of God, and He will always be with us, just as he promised. This is not a question but a fact, even if it is not an immediately visible reality. Just as Jesus Christ was there with His captive and even tortured children, the promise and reality of His presence is valid to the last moment in history for all Christians born again in Christ. What had been obvious only to the Hebrew youth became visible to the Gentiles in the furnace. However, only their ropes were destroyed in the fire. In the fire they became free. In the fire it the world could see to whom they had entrusted themselves before the trial.
Jesus in Us
- Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, I know that the spirit of the holy gods is in you, and no mystery is too difficult for you. Here is my dream; interpret it for me. (Daniel 4:9)
- There is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him. In the time of your father he was found to have insight and intelligence and wisdom like that of the gods. Your father, King Nebuchadnezzar, appointed him chief of the magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners. (Daniel 5:11)
- And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:16-17)
- Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? (1 Corinthians 3:16)
- Now the Lord is the Spirit (2Corinthians 3:17)
God saw in advance very well what separation from him might cause: men, in fact any creature that turns away from him, lose their perfect character, their ability to love. They become self-destructively selfish. Therefore, it is not enough that He is around us, beside us or with us. It is not enough that He offers His help. He must dwell in us in order to infiltrate us to the core, to transform us and make us instruments of His love. When we read Daniel’s book, we can see that the Prophet and his companions did and saw extraordinary things. They did so by the spirit they received from God, and that spirit governed the Babylonian and then the Persian “prime minister” for 80-90 years. The shocking truth is that Christians today, after the cross, receive more than Moses, Elijah, Daniel, and their Old Testament companions. The comforter is the one who was sent by the heavenly Father. It is Christ himself, in the form of spirit. The Son of God who became man is the only true man who could stand the crossfire and suffering in the battle of selfishness. The Jesus dwells in us who said: Father, I know that thou hearest me always (John 11:42). In light of these truths, how do we view ourselves? Do we see the security of love and the mighty responsibilities behind God’s mighty gift?
Dear Children
- … I have come to tell you, for you are highly esteemed.(Daniel 9:23)
- Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. (Colossians 3:12)
- For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. (1Peter 1:18-19)
From the text above we may observe the child status that is surrounded by love. Early in my years of ignorance, the words of the angel Gabriel filled me with admiration mixed with jealousy: God personally sent a message to Daniel saying: you are dear to me I love you. In fact, the whole Bible is about this message and there is not a single or distinguished recipient. It is for everyone who is born human. This is how the Apostle Paul addresses Christians in the Book of Colossians: saints and loved ones. All life is dear and precious; so precious that the life of Jesus, the innocent and tender-hearted Only Begotten, was the ransom.
- But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way. (Daniel 1:8)
- Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy. (1Peter 1:13-16)
- Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. (2Corinthians 7:1)
The whole story began with this perilous decision. Up to this point, “events had only happened” to Daniel and his companion: their city and their church had been burned; they had been taken far away to live in a foreign culture, to henceforth obey the cruel conquerors as slaves. They found themselves at the bottom of the social hierarchy. However, through God’s indwelling spirit, Daniel was able to make a decision on a seemingly insignificant detail: he would not choose the food and drink that were sacrificed to the idols of Babylon and were served at the king’s table. He rejected the privilege that seemed to be supreme in that situation even tough rejection could lead to immediate execution. As he listened to the God of Heaven, the Lord honoured him with His support in this decision and made clear the positive effects of this decision before the Gentiles as well. It does matter to us what we eat, what we drink, what we consume, both literally and figuratively. Later, I will discuss the intoxicating wine of Babylon, that is, a mixture of lies and devious food that destroys our body and mind, that is, our physical and mental health. What in the case of Daniel was determination, for Paul it was “the girding of the mind,” namely, judgment, which promises an abundance of regulated and, indeed, divine spirit-led life instead of a desire-driven life. It is worth choosing the latter, for which the Hebrew youth is the evidence.
God’s Gifts
- Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel, (Daniel 1:9)
- To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. (Daniel 1:17)
- He did this because Daniel, whom the king called Belteshazzar, was found to have a keen mind and knowledge and understanding, and also the ability to interpret dreams, explain riddles and solve difficult problems. Call for Daniel, and he will tell you what the writing means (Daniel 5:12)
- But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness (Galatians 5:22)
- There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them.There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit,to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit,to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. (1Corinthians 12:4-11)
No one knew what resided in Daniel until God addressed Nebuchadnezzar through a mysterious dream. The gift made sense in a situation in which he could put it into service in the pagan world. God blesses all His children with gifts, gifts to reflect His heavenly love to others and also to serve others in their various needs. These are not self-serving peacock feathers, but important body parts such as a mouth that offers comfort, a hand that hugs or feet that run to be of assistance. The body of Christ, that is, His children imbued with divine life is an active participant in world events in the process of attaining heavenly purposes. No matter how insignificant you may seem in your own eyes, if Christ lives in you, you have gifts that are unmistakable, for they serve the glory of God and the wellbeing of men. Don’t just plough it under the earth but use it!
Vision of Christ
- On the twenty-fourth day of the first month, as I was standing on the bank of the great river, the Tigris,I looked up and there before me was a man dressed in linen, with a belt of fine gold from Uphaz around his waist.His body was like topaz, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude.I, Daniel, was the only one who saw the vision; those who were with me did not see it, but such terror overwhelmed them that they fled and hid themselves.So I was left alone, gazing at this great vision; I had no strength left, my face turned deathly pale and I was helpless. (Daniel 10:4-8)
- The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
- I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands,and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest.The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire.His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters.In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. (Revelations 1:12-17)
It is an undeniable fact that this is not an everyday experience. Seeing the Son of God in an earthly body is an extraordinary honour, accompanied by extraordinary messages and assignments. This was the case for both witnesses. What is extraordinary, however, is that John, even after several time periods, tried to describe the indescribable in the same words as Daniel did. They saw the same Being, however, not precisely the same. The Christ John saw was the Man, the bearer of scars, who had forever overcome the powers of darkness.
People of Prayer
- Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. (Daniel 6:10)
- So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes. While I was speaking and praying, confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel and making my request to the Lord my God for his holy hill while I was still in prayer, Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. (Daniel 9:3.20-21)
- But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (Matthew 6:6)
- Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (1Thessalonians 5:17)
What we are reading here about is a certain existence, a regular and important component of everyday life, which, however, is not an empty, monotonous ritual, but a lively and direct dialogue with the one we call our Heavenly Father. Nothing could divert Daniel from this habit, passion, or activity; though few people had lived a busier life on Earth than him. As the second man of Babylon, his days must have been well scheduled. Only Jesus’ years on earth were busier. What we also find out of him is that sunrise found him outdoors, talking to his Father. A true prayer is not mantra, not recitation of a wish list, nor the coercion of God’s approval to achieve our own goals. Instead, it is a humble self-surrender, becoming one with the other, melding, and also rising into the presence of God as well as understanding and accepting God’s purposes and thoughts. This is the basis for formulating requests according to God’s heart and preparing for His service, be it a smile or a prophetic statement. Prayer is a spiritual breath, a blessed opportunity to come in contact with the heavenly world, a source of joy. It is strength and peace for Christians. In fact, perhaps, it is a confirmation of unity, for the reason that the Christ who dwells in us cries out for our Father.
- Then Daniel returned to his house and explained the matter to his friends Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah. He urged them to plead for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery, so that he and his friends might not be executed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon. During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven (Daniel 2:17-19)
- Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand. (Daniel 3:16-17)
- They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with his brothers. (Acts 1:14)
- When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them. (Acts 4:24)
- May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 15:5-6)
As we have seen above, the children of God are never alone. They win companions and brothers over with whom they exist in a world as cells in the body of Christ. The domination of selfishness affects people akin to like poles of magnets on each other, that is, repulsively, making real community impossible. Jesus’ love in the hearts, on the other hand, evokes attraction, compassion, harmony — and this is the greatest proof of the existence of eternal love. These are relationships that could never be made, let alone made lasting, by exertion. They prepare us for the regularities and beauties of eternal cohabitation.
Exploring the Word of God
- In the first year of Darius … who was made ruler over the Babylonian kingdom, in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, understood from the Scriptures, according to the word of the Lord given to Jeremiah the prophet, that the desolation of Jerusalem would last seventy years. (Daniel 9:1-2)
- “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation, spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand (Matthew 24:15)
- Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. (Revelations 1:3)
- We also have the prophetic message as something completely reliable, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. (2 Peter 1:19)
Daniel and his companion set out for Babylon with the promise of the prophet Jeremiah: the time of deliverance would come in seventy years, and the dimensions of the New Jerusalem that was once destroyed would be so great that it would be “dwelled unfenced.” Daniel believed and trusted in it even when he looked back and saw ruins and smoke. He built his faith and trust on the word of God, that is, God’s words of guidance. He did the same in Babylon, and he studied the scrolls so many times to keep up with the divine order and know exactly when and what to do. This fidelity of his prompted God to share His guidelines with Daniel. These guidelines are for us, for the children of today and will be valid until the end of history. Jesus repeatedly and insistently emphasized that it was vitally important to read, to listen and research the scriptures because they speak of Him. He who understands the prophecies of the Bible has been given the key to the future. Of course, humility, spiritual effort and a living relationship with God are essential part of this.
- It pleased Darius to appoint 120 satraps to rule throughout the kingdom, with three administrators over them, one of whom was Daniel. The satraps were made accountable to them so that the king might not suffer loss. Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. (Daniel 6:1-4)
- Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us. Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.For it is commendable if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are conscious of God.But how is it to your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. (1 Peter 2:11-20)
The children of God are impeccable in their management of earthly matters and in their daily practice. The work that is done as subordinates of earthly kings, directors and chiefs is done with the same fidelity as if they did their work in front of God’s watching eyes. A slave works according to heavenly principles in Babylon or anywhere on earth because he can glorify his heavenly Lord with his work. This allegiance makes it possible to suffer slander, to tolerate and to endure deprivation, which are all genuine corollary of envy-induced attacks. However, in the wake of suffering, there is always blessing, we can be sure of that. Truthfulness makes Jesus visible to others and can make it attractive to follow divine principles.
- Daniel replied, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about,but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries. He has shown King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in days to come. Your dream and the visions that passed through your mind as you were lying in bed are these:As Your Majesty was lying there, your mind turned to things to come, and the revealer of mysteries showed you what is going to happen.As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I have greater wisdom than anyone else alive, but so that Your Majesty may know the interpretation and that you may understand what went through your mind. (Daniel 2:27-30)
- He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (Mark 16:15)
- But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1Peter 2:9)
The real assignment is far more than an ordinary duty; however it is often intertwined with it. Daniel, as a Chaldean scribe, was able to share God’s intentions with the sovereign. The same is true of all Christians: the very worn-out word ‘gospel’ means joyful news, according to its original meaning, quite precisely it means spreading the message of the victory of the impending warlord. Jesus Christ won over the prince and armies of evil, won over sin and death, and can be victorious in every human heart. This is what every life given to God can convey. Just tell me what he did for you personally, just pass on what he personally entrusted to you, and your talents and assignments will grow.
- Babylon was a gold cup in the Lord’s hand;she made the whole earth drunk.The nations drank her wine;therefore they have now gone mad. (Jeremiah 51:7)
- Therefore, as soon as they heard the sound of the horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp and all kinds of music, all the nations and peoples of every language fell down and worshiped the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. (Daniel 3:7)
- A second angel followed and said, “Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great, which made all the nations drink the maddening wine of her adulteries.” (Revelations 14:8)
- And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. (Revelations 13.1,7-8)
Surprisingly, there is an absolute match between the Babylon of Daniel and the present, globalized world on earth. Here and now, we are also prisoners in Babel. The word Babel, by the way, has a twofold meaning. For tower builders, the it meant ‘gate of heaven’, while from God’s perspective it meant ‘chaos’. (See Genesis 11: 1-11.) The kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar collapsed after seventy years, and the present world will end with the arrival of the victorious heavenly general.
The Flee
- Leave Babylon, flee from the Babylonians!Announce this with shouts of joyand proclaim it Send it out to the ends of the earth;say, “The Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob.” (Isaiah 48:20)
- Flee from Babylon!Run for your lives! Do not be destroyed because of her sins.It is time for the Lord’s vengeance;he will repay her what she deserves. (Jeremiah 51:6)
- After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendour. With a mighty voice he shouted: ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a dwelling for demonsand a haunt for every impure spirit,a haunt for every unclean bird,a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.For all the nations have drunkthe maddening wine of her adulteries.The kings of the earth committed adultery with her,and the merchants of the earth grew rich from her excessive luxuries. Then I heard another voice from heaven say: Come out of her, my people,so that you will not share in her sins,so that you will not receive any of her plagues;for her sins are piled up to heaven,and God has remembered her crimes. (Revelations 18:1-5)
Although Daniel remained there and continued to serve during the reigns of the subsequent Medo-Persian Empire, at the end of the seventy years the good news was heard: the time had come to return home. The same goes for Christians today, slavery will end soon!
The Destruction of Babylon
- …you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has come to an end!How his fury has ended!The Lord has broken the rod of the wicked,the scepter of the rulers,which in anger struck down peopleswith unceasing blows,and in fury subdued nationswith relentless aggression.All the lands are at rest and at peace;they break into singing. (Isaiah 14:4-7)
- Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: Woe! Woe to you, great city,you mighty city of Babylon!In one hour your doom has come!’Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said. With such violencethe great city of Babylon will be thrown down,never to be found again.(Revelations 18:10.21)
The parallel is there to see in this respect as well: just as the empire of Nebuchadnezzar became nothing, so will the last Babylon be carried away by the wind like chaff and no trace of the monuments of greed and arbitrariness will remain.
Eternal Kingdom
- In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever.(Daniel 2:44)
- Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”(Revelations 21:1-4)
The destruction of Babylon is the new beginning: the kingdom of Jesus Christ, which until then will only manifest itself in a more or less hidden manner, will unfold and be fulfilled through re-creation. The hitherto secret relationship with God will be brought to light and the face-to-face encounter will be the beginning of an eternal companionship. Daniel and all his companions who have lived since then will be part of the joy that the Lord’s constant presence will bring to the inhabitants of the new Earth.
Accordingly, when we re-examine Daniel’s life, compared to Christ’s gifts for today, we see that we are not poorer or inferior to Him. Daniel is more of an example of what God’s kingdom can do through His subjects. Through Christ dwelling in us, God is ready for everything and can do anything. The first step is to accept the invitation; the second is to enter the heritage offered through Jesus. The third step is to learn to live and serve as a royal child, to love and to suffer. The rest will be done by God in mighty and inexhaustible ways. Thus the world will surely see His glory.